Thursday, April 16, 2015

How Single-Gender Education Can Help African-American Boys

The rate of dropouts of African-American boys from schools is much higher than that of whites and has always been so. The former are also less likely to graduate than the latter. Clearly, there is a problem that needs to be solved. Single-sex schools have been around for a while. All-girls schools are built on the premise that they help provide equal access and opportunities for girls. But, why should boys also need such systems? Here, you will learn the advantages that such schools give boys, particularly African-Americans.

  •  Tailored curriculum:  Many educators are of the opinion that the social and educational problems faced by African-American boys can be at least addressed, if not completely solved, through single-sex schools. In such schools, the curriculum can be uniquely tailored to handle the needs of its students. There can be classes on leadership, for example. These schools can also provide opportunities to the boys, who may have otherwise been overlooked in other schools.

  •   Provide positive examples: Often, these boys lack a positive male role model or a male role model at all. Single-sex schools can cater to these boys by giving them examples of positive and negative role models. The schools can also instill the importance of education beyond their schooling. This is important because, for many of these boys, their idea of personal identity does not include education. In addition, schools can provide additional rigorous training that will help students to successfully tackle standardized tests and get enrolled in colleges.

  • Break stereotypes: The idea of “masculinity” may prevent the boys, in regular schools, from undertaking activities that can be perceived as feminine. In single-sex schools, the teachers can help them to overcome stereotypes more easily given that they boys will not have to confront girls all the time.

  • Increase college enrollment rates: This study, conducted by scholars of the University of Pennsylvania, has found that a larger proportion of students from single-sex schools attend four-year colleges compared to students of coeducational schools. This is true for both private and public schools and irrespective of student-teacher ratios, teacher quality, and other factors.

  • Instill confidence: By letting the boys know that they are expected to perform, teachers can instill self-confidence in them. The students will know that they are capable of achieving target and that there are those who believe in them.

While all of these can also be achieved through co-ed schools, it will put an additional burden on them. Not all schools will be able to bear that burden and catering specifically to African-American boys may create problems for the schools.

However, single-sex schools for African-American boys can tailor their curriculum and practices to cater to specific needs and requirements. Such schools will provide a stable and safe environment for the students to experiment and learn more about what it means to be a part of the society.

Students can also better understand what it means to be a man and that it involves more than just sexual prowess. They will understand the importance of education and learn what it takes to be a leader. Stereotypes associated with African-American males can also be overcome. Overall, single-sex schools for African-American boys will help them to lead better lives.

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