Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Creating a School Environment that Supports Collaborative Lesson Planning Amongst Teachers

By Anthony L. Hubbard
As adults, we all have varying interests. Some of us like might like learning about history, while others might enjoy their fair share of sports. We also enjoy the freedom to choose what we are passionate about. We are motivated to seek out subjects that are in line with our interests and passions. If they do not sync up with our interest, we tend to give up on them, unless there is some reward for us at the end.
However, it isn't a feature that is unique only to adults. Children also have varying interests. A good teacher tries to motivate children or students by catering to these interests. Unfortunately, the traditional education system fails at this and it is up to teachers to create a school environment that addresses these requirements. It can be done through Collaborative Lesson Planning.
What is Collaborative Lesson Planning?
Collaborative Lesson Planning helps teachers create a learning structure wherein students are encouraged to work together to solve problems or work on purpose-driven projects. Here, students are encouraged to engage in discussions with each other or even work with students from other schools. The students are individually assessed on their work and also on their performance in groups. Collaborative Lesson Planning inculcates the spirit of team work among students.
The team-driven learning environment helps students share their strengths and discover their individual weaknesses. They also develop other skills such as socialization, conflict resolution, and healthy competition.
Creating an environment of Collaborative Lesson Planning
To encourage Collaborative Lesson Planning, the school environment must be overhauled. It can be done by following these basic steps:
·       Creating trust: Teachers must learn to trust each other and be willing to share their methods. It can be achieved by encouraging teachers to attend teaching sessions conducted by other teachers. It provides them an idea of what kind of dynamics they share with their students and between themselves.
·       Idea sharing: Encourage teachers to generate ideas, no matter how simple they might be. Push them to come up with different methods through which learning goals can be achieved.
·       Testing ideas: The effectiveness of an idea cannot be known until it is tested. Motivate teachers to test out their learning plans and also to accept feedback.
·       Keep it simple: Teachers must incorporate simple ideas into their projects and tasks. Projects or tasks that are complex will only make students ask more questions, instead of arriving at solutions. It may even prevent them from learning anything.
·       Involve students: Students are the obvious target audience here, so it is necessary to involve them from the beginning. Their feedback can be valuable in terms of developing a proper collaborative lesson plan.
·       Use available materials: Use materials that are easily available. Do not create projects that rely much on specialized materials, as sourcing them can be a hassle. A school should have most of the necessary items available at all times. 

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