Boys and girls are different – there is no denying that.
They have different needs and react differently in different situations.
Considering this, putting them together in coeducation classes does not seem to
be a really bright idea. It doesn't allow educators to care for all their needs
equally. This may result in either gender feeling neglected. In order to
prevent this, single-sex education systems have to be implemented. Here's how
they can help:
- Overcomes
stereotypes: Talent comes in many forms. Some students are good in
academics, some can paint well and some are great actors. Some excel in soccer
and others in athletics. And there may be those who write very well – either
stories or poems. One of the biggest problems for students in coeducational
classrooms is the reinforcement of stereotypes - “Poetry is not for boys” or
“Soccer is not for girls”.
These stereotypes in combination with peer pressure may
result in smothering of budding talent in both boys and girls. Or, this may
result in students not overtly showcasing their talents which can lead teachers
to feel that those students have no talents at all. Either way, students are
unable to get the attention that they deserve. On the other hand, in the single-sex
education system, where a class full of boys learns to love poetry or a class
full of girls plays football, the stereotypes won't even raise their heads.
Single-sex systems allow students to explore all their interests without having
to worry about what the other gender thinks of their choices.
- Makes
handling puberty easier: Another advantage of single-sex classrooms is that
there will be no unnecessary showing-off for the opposite sex. This is
particularly beneficial when the students start hitting puberty. They can
concentrate more on their studies than on the hot girl in the first row or the
cute boy standing in the corridor.
- Caters
to each sex individually: Boys are generally more boisterous and have
higher energy levels than girls. They need to be engaged all the time. Not
giving them enough attention can cause them to misbehave. On the other hand, a
teacher cannot dedicate all of his/her attention to boys only. This will result
in neglecting the girls. And, girls are less likely to speak out in
coeducational classes. Single-sex educational systems are the best solutions.
- Better
academic performance: In 2007, neuroscientists from NIMH (National
Institute of Mental Health) released the report of a study which clearly shows
that there are physiological differences in the brains of boys and girls. They
develop differently in different ages and it is important to use appropriate
training methods. Approaching teaching in the same way is a mistake. Single-sex
systems will allow for utilizing the correct approach that can help improve the
academic performance of students.
In addition to these, single-sex systems will also provide a
proper environment for students to handle their social and emotional
development needs. Students can ask any question in class without hesitation or
fear of embarrassment. Boys are also more likely to socialize and collaborate
in a single-sex environment than in a co-ed one. And, they can show emotions
Of course, for some students, the setting may not matter at
all; but, not for all. Single-sex systems have a clear advantage over co-ed
ones and implementing them can provide students an environment where they will