Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Rise Of The Urban Prep | YouthBuild Preparatory Academy

Today’s world is constantly changing. The development of technology and industry has changed everything – even compared to just a few decades ago.

So why do we remain stuck accepting centuries-old definitions of schools, and schooling? Preparatory schools are a great example of this.

Traditionally, preparatory schools were created to prepare young students for college. Usually, prep schools focused on preparing children for an Ivy League education – and traditionally, this is still their association.

We may think of prep schools as “stuffy”, or reserved only for the wealthy, and the upper class. But at YouthBuild Prep, we don’t believe in preserving these old definitions of preparatory school.

We’re part of a new “urban prep” revolution that’s spreading across the country. Learn more now. By focusing on useful, day-to-day skills as well as traditional schooling, we’re preparing a new kind of student for our modern world.

YouthBuild Preparatory Academy – A New Kind Of Prep School.

At YouthBuild Preparatory Academy, we’re often asked why students should choose us – and why we’ve chosen to adopt the “prep school” moniker. After all, we don’t look (or function) like a traditional preparatory school.

We’ve chosen to call ourselves a “prep school” because we want to take back this term. We’re disruptors and innovators – and we believe that our young people deserve an education that prepares them beyond secondary education.

The world is constantly changing, and we owe it to our students to give them an education that won’t just help them succeed in their college careers – but in the rest of their lives.

That’s why we’re not like other preparatory schools. We don’t just prepare students for college – although many of our students continue to post-secondary educational institutions.

We prepare students for life. Our students are taught personal and professional leadership, entrepreneurship skills through a social justice rigorous real-world culturally responsive project-based curriculum.  Many are afforded the opportunity to take advantage of  apprenticeships and internships in their chosen field of interest.

The current education system is quite lackluster in these areas. Most prep schools – and other schools, for that matter – only prepare students for life in school. By focusing on education as well as real-world skills, we bridge this gap, so that our students can be successful, no matter what career or educational path they choose.

We must not just observe the changes in our world. We must adjust to them. That’s our focus at YouthBuild Preparatory Academy. Our students are taught about innovation, and our forward-thinking programs prepare them for a life and career in our modern, competitive world.

We’ve Taken The Old – And Made It Brand New!

We’re proud to join the rise of the urban preparatory education movement, and the term “prep school.” By focusing on real-world skills, technical classes, and mentorship and apprenticeship programs, YouthBuild Preparatory Academy is truly taking the old “prep school” concept, and making it brand-new.

If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us now, or browse our website to learn more about our unique approach to prep school and preparatory education.

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