Friday, August 1, 2014

The Value in Single Sex Schooling

A case for more than just "learning: for boys of color, Anthony L. Hubbard

Facing the truth
Schools across America report unacceptably high levels of dropout rates (exceeding 45%) for young males of color, including Latinos and African-Americans. And as a result, young boys representing this segment of America's future have a lesser probability of enrolling or graduating from college than many individuals from other peer groups.  

And while young male students across all demographics might exhibit resistance to learning, or face challenges in a learning environment, it is males of color who are most likely to be determined as having a "learning disability", or worse still of being branded "developmentally disabled". 

The truth is that young boys of color face an uphill struggle distinguishing themselves within the current education system. They more likely to deliver poor academic performance, and are less likely to secure spots on coveted scholastic talent programs. In a country that has its first President of color, a man who is acclaimed for his educational accomplishments, the status quo of education for young men of color is unacceptable.   

Something needs to change quickly, or America may face yet another crisis of a generation of young men of color that are lost!

Read more:  Complete article here

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The Need of the Hour - To Educate Boys and Young Men of Color

A nation is formed by the contribution of every single one of its citizens. It grows, flourishes, progresses alongside its people. ...